What is self-regulation? How does it develop across the lifespan? How do we cultivate more of it? When and why is it beneficial versus costly, and in what contexts?
- Atherton, O.E., Lawson, K.M., & Robins, R.W. (2020). The development of effortful control from late childhood to young adulthood. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 119(2), 417-456.
- Atherton, O.E., Grijalva, E., Roberts, B.W. & Robins, R.W. (2021). Stability and change in personality traits and major life goals from college to midlife. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 47(5), 841-858.
- Damian, R.I., Atherton, O.E., Lawson, K.M., & Robins, R.W. (2020). The co-development of chores and effortful control among Mexican-origin youth and prospective work outcomes. Journal of Research in Personality, 84, 1-13.

Sociocultural Contexts
Which sociocultural factors and contexts predict self-regulation and health across the lifespan? How, when, and why do contexts interact with individual differences to impact health behavior and outcomes?
- Atherton, O.E., Lawson, K.M., & Robins, R.W. (2020). The development of effortful control from late childhood to young adulthood. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 119(2), 417-456.
- Atherton, O.E., Graham, E.K., Luo, J., Dorame, A., Horgan, D.E., Nevarez, M.D., Spiro, A., Schulz, M., Waldinger, R.J., Mroczek, D.K., & Lee, L.O. (under review). Intergenerational patterns of early life adversity: Findings from two generations of the Harvard Study of Adult Development.
- Atherton, O.E., Willroth, E.C., Luo, J., Graham, E.K., Mroczek, D.K., & Lewis-Thames, M.W. (invited special issue). Rural-urban differences in personality traits and well-being in adulthood. Journal of Personality.

Mental and Physical Health
To what extent is self-regulation associated with health behaviors, mental health, and physical health across the life course? How, when, and why do these associations emerge? In what ways can we improve human health and longevity?
- Atherton, O.E., Lawson, K.M., Ferrer, E., & Robins, R.W. (2020). The role of effortful control in the development of ADHD, ODD, and CD symptoms. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 118(6), 1226-1246.
- Atherton, O.E., Willroth, E.C., Schwaba, T., Goktan, A.J., Graham, E.K., Condon, D.M., Rao, M.B., & Mroczek, D.K. (2021). Personality predictors of emergency department post-discharge outcomes. Personality Science, 2(1), 1-20
- Atherton, O.E., Graham, E.K., Willroth, E.C., & Mroczek, D.K. (in prep). Personality predictors of risky health behaviors across the lifespan: A coordinated analysis of 13 longitudinal studies.

Quantitative Methods
How can we study social, personality, and health psychology to build a more replicable and generalizable science?
- Atherton, O.E., Chung, J.M., Harris, K., Rohrer, J.M., Condon, D.M., Cheung, F., Vazire, S., Lucas, R.E., Donnellan, M.B., Mroczek, D.K., Soto, C.J., Antonoplis, S., Damian, R.I., Funder, D.C., Srivastava, S., Fraley, R.C., Jach, H., Roberts, B.W., Smillie, L.D., Sun, J., Tackett, J.L., Weston, S.J., Harden, K.P., & Corker, K.S. (in press). Why has personality psychology played an outsized role in the credibility revolution? Personality Science.
- Atherton, O.E., Yang, Y.C., Andre, T.J., & Mroczek, D.K. (under review). It’s time to integrate age-period-cohort analysis into psychological research.
- Personality Development Collaborative